FLECKED Color Chips for EPOXY and WALL PAINTS, citrine yellow

EFFECT LUSKOVIT Lemon yellow 30 g

Luskovit colourflakes are sprinkled into a primer, in full or partial covering, for decoration purposes. The materials in which the flakes are processed are water-borne and solvent-based epoxies, polyurethane systems and acrylate. Easy to sprinkle and sand and lighter in weight than alternative particles. Decorative blends can be formed by mixing a variety of solid colors.
Tax rate
22 %
Price with VAT:
3,40 €

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    Samson Kamnik d.o.o., Kovinarska cesta 28 1241 Kamnik T: +38 1 8317 255; +386 1 8319 260, F: +386 1 8317 179 E: splet@samson-kamnik.si
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